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American Football Coach

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  • Pierre Ingram

The Top 5 Coaching Templates for Managers

If you're a manager, then you know that coaching is an essential part of your job. But what do you do when you don't have time to meet with each of your direct reports one-on-one? That's where coaching templates come in. Coaching templates are visual aids that can help you deliver feedback, set goals, and provide guidance more effectively and efficiently.

Here are the top 5 coaching templates for managers:

1. The Feedback Sandwich

2. The STAR Technique

3. The GROW Model

4. The KISS Method

5. The six hats method

The feedback sandwich is a coaching template that can be used to deliver feedback in a way that is constructive and helpful. To use this template, simply start with a positive comment, followed by a negative comment, and then end with another positive comment. This ensures that the person receiving the feedback understands that you have their best interests at heart and that you're not just trying to point out their faults.

The STAR technique is a coaching template that can be used to help someone identify their strengths and areas for improvement. To use this template, have the person rate themselves on a scale of 1-10 in each of the following categories: skill, task, ability, and results. Once they have done that, ask them to identify one area in each category that they would like to improve upon.

The GROW model is a coaching template that can be used to help someone set goals. To use this template, start by asking the person what their goal is. Once they have identified their goal, ask them what the current reality is, what the options are, what their willpower is, and what the way forward is. This will help them develop a clear plan for achieving their goal.

The KISS method is a coaching template that can be used to help someone simplify their goals. To use this template, start by asking the person what their goal is. Once they have identified their goal, ask them to keep it simple and specific so that it's easier to achieve. This will help them focus on what's most important and increase their chances of success.

These are just a few of the many coaching templates available to managers. Finding the right template for you will depend on your needs and preferences. However, all of these templates can be helpful in providing feedback, setting goals, and offering guidance more effectively and efficiently.

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